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Six Scents To Help Sell Your Home - Baking & Essential Oils
Incorporating a scent can enhance your home sale strategy.

Red Raspberry: A Journey of Inner Resilience
Red Raspberry essential oil has an enchanting aroma, and helps unveil our transformative journey, nurturing our inner resilience

Aromatherapy to Support Matrescence
Congratulations on starting the wonderful adventure of motherhood! Self-care is crucial during any transformation.

The use of aromatherapy to reduce agitation in dementia
There's a lot of curiosity about whether aromatherapy might help dementia patients with their agitated behaviors.

Matrescence: The heroine's journey
Matrescence embodies the feelings, challenges and qualities of the life passage into motherhood.

Matrescence is a normal life passage
Matrescence is a normal life passage. Matrescense is part of motherhood. It is not postpartum depression

Aromatherapy can ease feelings associated with PTSD
Self care practices, such as aromatherapy, can help ease symptoms of trauma, along with professional care

Essential Oil And Pregnancy Safety
Learn how to use aromatherapy safety during pregnancy for emotional and physical wellness.

Rose aromatherapy and pregnancy
Women are interested in aromatherapy as a complementary therapy for pregnancy and birth

Valentines Day Romantic Rose Aromatherapy
Rose aromatherapy is a beautiful addition to your Valentine's Day surprise !

Self-Care: Essential Oils for Emotional Support
Lavender is one of the most studied essential oils and also one of the most loved fragrances!

Forest Bathing for Mindbody Wellness
"It's clear our bodies still recognize nature as our home…”
Professor Yoshifumi Miyazaki.

4 Flower Essences for healing trauma
Flower essences are in the realm of naturopathy, herbalism and energy therapies. Flower essences (FE) work on the vibrational level.

My Homemade Fire Cider
Updated January 1, 2022 When I was at home raising my son, I made fire cider every winter. As the years went by, I got out of the habit....

Aromatherapy: Make Your Own Flower Essences
Updated January 3, 2022 Aromatherapy: Make Your Own Flower Essences Think of flower essences as the Reiki of the plant world, as they ...

Valentine’s Day: Lavender Rose Body Butter
Updated February 14, 2022 Is there anything more beautiful, relaxing and intoxicating all at once than standing near a real lavender...

Beeswax to Oil Ratios for Salve
Updated January 5, 2022 I’ve been making salves for my friends and family for a few years now. And I am still just winging it as far as...

Self-care: Affirmations, positive emotions and flower essences
Updated January 10, 2022. Affirmations alone won’t enact change within yourself, but are a wonderful addition to insight psychotherapy...

Self-Care: Essential Oils for Emotional Support
Self-Care: Essential Oils for Emotional Support Safety note: Please realize that self-treatment has its limitations. You must seek...

Hobby Corner: Fall Warming Herbal Salve for Pain Relief
Originally posted November 13, 2018. Hobby Corner: Fall Warming Salve for Pain Relief This spring and summer, I wildcrafted some herbs to...
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