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Book Review: Little Voices by Vanessa Lillie
A story of perinatal mental illness and recovery wrapped in a murder mystery.

Book Review: Electroboy: A Memoir of Mania by Andy Behrman
Andy Behrman’s personal memoir, Electroboy, about living with Bipolar 1 Disorder is not an easy read.

Book Review: Thru-Hike the Appalachian Trail
Updated December 31, 2021. Benton MacKaye pioneered the concept of land preservation for recreation and conservation. Back in the early...

Favorite Books of 2019
Originally posted February 5, 2020. If President Barack Obama can release his 2019 book list, so can I! Of course, my book list consists...

Book Review: Are You There Alone? The Unspeakable Crime of Andrea Yates by Suzanne O’Malley
Originally posted February 26, 2019. Are You There Alone? is written by Suzanne O’Malley, an investigative reporter. She followed the...

Book Review: Birth of a New Brain by Dyane Harwood
Updated March 31, 2022 Dyane's lifelong healing journey with bipolar Dyane Harwood battled depression her whole life and then bipolar...

Book Review: We Were Gonna Have a Baby, but We Had an Angel Instead by Pat Schwiebert
Originally posted October 16, 2017. Helping Children Cope When the Family Has Infant Loss A pregnancy loss is a primal, deep loss. And...

Book Review: Broken Pieces: Essays Inspired by Life by Rachel Thompson
Originally posted March 22, 2017. “Talking about sexual assault can be conceptualized as a political act….. “ Sarah Ullman, Ph.D. Broken...

Book Review: Dancing on the Edge of Sanity by Ana Clare Rouds
Updated February 19, 2022 Dancing on the Edge of Sanity asks once again How Often Must We Ask for Sensitive Care? It’s easy to connect...

Interview and Book Review: “This is How We Grow” by Christina G. Hibbert, Psy.D.
Originally posted December 2, 2013. My colleague, Dr. Christina G. Hibbert, has been a leader in Maternal Mental Health for many years....

Book Review: Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Jacobs
Originally posted October 28, 2013. Harriet Jacobs lived a brutal and extraordinary life. Her story is appalling, sad, fascinating and...

Book Review: Walks on the Margins: A Story of Bipolar Illness by Kathy Brandt and Max Maddox
Originally posted October 22, 2013. I love this book. The co-authors seamlessly intertwine a full spectrum of education and complex...

Book Review: The River of Forgetting: A Memoir of Healing from Sexual Abuse by Jane Rowan
Originally published July 9, 2013. Many people in my psychotherapy practice struggle with coming to terms with childhood sexual abuse....

Book Review: In the Shadow of a Badge: A Memoir about Flight 93, a Field of Angels and My Spiritual
Originally posted April 8, 2013. Book Review: In the Shadow of a Badge: A Memoir about Flight 93, a Field of Angels and My Spiritual...
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