Originally posted December 25, 2013.

I love winter and the longer nights. I love this time of the year. From my studies of shiatsu and acupressure, I think about Winter as the season of rest, respite and evaluation. For in Taoist Five Element Theory, Winter is a time to turn inward, to rest and recuperate from the busy year.
In antiquity, the winter solstice was a time to take stock of what you had produced all year long and to plan out the use of your store house carefully, in order to survive the long winter.
So, I tend to use winter as a time of deep reflection, evaluating what activities felt life-giving and sustainable, what filled me with joy and energy and which activities felt draining to me and can be modified or let go next year.
This year, I look back and notice how much I love my therapy practice and take note of the older skills I’d like to deepen and use more and the new skills I’d like to add to my practice this year.
Helping people work through trauma and move onto thrive feeds my soul and my energy. I plan to pursue deeper training in EMDR and couples therapy, but need to take a look at my stores, my budget, before deciding which one to add! Another project that’s on the 2014 plan to complete is the video shoot for BirthTouch® for Parents to Be, which has been ten years in the making. I need to more fully realize that making room for this work requires me to step back from other things I want to do both personally and professionally!
What’s in your 2014 plan this year?
What are your goals? What steps can you take to define, support and realize your potential?
Maybe you have young children and your personal goals get put on the back burner as you do the daily work of developing your children’s foundation…
Maybe you’ve worked your way out of an abusive relationship and need to shore up the definition of a stronger inner self.
Maybe you feel a bit distant from your life partner and want to concentrate on creating a more intimate, supportive relationship as your foundation…
Maybe you feel a bit alone and need to create a wider circle of acquaintances and friends…
Spiritual Life
Maybe you feel your spiritual life needs some attention, and you plan to enhance your life with spiritual activities such as church, synagogue, connection with nature, studying energy work….whatever it is that feeds your soul….
Work Life
Maybe you’re examining your professional goals and realize you need to add a certification or coursework to your resume in order to pursue larger goals….
So Winter is a great time to take stock of what need and want, taking note of what sustains you…then making emotional, psychological and practical room for the changes you’d like to make.
Wishing you luck and peace as you take small steps forward towards your goals in 2014!
And know that if you need help sorting out your thoughts, you can talk to me in my private practice at my office in Wayne, NJ.